My Supernatural Vision from God, of the Death of America and The Second Coming of Jesus Christ!!!

3 years ago

Yesterday morning, God took me into the most incredible vision He has ever given me! The Lord told me that He has judged America, for her national sin of abortion and many other sins. He said that America, in the very near future, will no longer exist as a nation!!!

I love America and so this made me very sad. However, I must tell the vision as the Lord gave it to me.

In this video, God also shows me the beginning of the Gog / Magog war and I saw a great deal of the Tribulation. There was a famine, and there were nuclear bombs and missiles being used by nations.

The most amazing time, in the vision, was when Almighty God let me see the Second Coming of Christ! I was taken, in the Spirit, up into the sky and I saw the clouds roll back and part, and Jesus came riding down to the earth on a magnificent, white horse. Yes, I was allowed to see Jesus! He was in all His glory and He led His bride, who were also on white horses, back to the earth, to end the Tribulation and start His millennial reign.

The vision lasted over two hours and I was totally awake the entire time. I saw so much, that I can only summarize it, in this video, or the video would be very long.

Here are some other things that I saw, that I did not put in the video: During the tribulation, I saw churches were set on fire and steeples and crosses were knocked off rooftops. Bibles and christian books were burned. People were celebrating this destruction in the streets!

As the battle of Armegeddon ended, I was full of joy when Jesus went to Jerusalem and stayed on the earth! Praise God!!!

To everyone in the world, the Lord warns you: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!”
Repent of your sins and cry out to God to save you before it is too late!!!

Friends, I am nothing! The Lord has simply asked me to be a prophetic voice for Him and share the messages and visions that He gives me. I pray that His words and vision bless you and that you serve the Lord now, before the church is raptured.

All Glory to God the Father and our Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ!!!

Love and serve each other, in these difficult times!!! I love you all!!!

Your brother and servant of Jesus Christ

You may view more messages that the Lord has given me at:

As the Holy Spirit leads you, share this vision with your family, friends and others.

You may contact Ken to come and speak at your church, conference, event, or for media request at

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