#61 Theater Thursday: Star 80 (1983)

3 years ago

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_80

00:00 Star 80 movie
45:00 Ben Shapiro whines: “Why doesn’t the Left laud us from crushing dissent on the Right?”
1:04:00 Theresa May dances in South Africa
1:11:00 Feminism vs nature
1:17:00 Was 9yo mulatto boy bullied by his white mom into suicide? Or was it homophobia?
1:30:00 Join the Navy and see the poz.
1:37:00 Trump's kindness to strangers, including a very sick 8yo boy
1:40:00 Trump's popularity with blacks, conservatives lack of popularity
1:42:00 Yoram Hazony's new book on nationalism
1:49:00 The circular firing squad comes for Wil Wheaton
1:55:00 Thomas Edsall: Who’s Afraid of a White Minority?
The battle over how to project the future population of the United States has profound political implications.
2:00:00 We're skeptical of her claims. NYT: A Broken Relationship and Accusations of Emotional Abuse: The Case of Keith Ellison
2:06:00 Pankaj Mishra: The Religion of Whiteness Becomes a Suicide Cult
He wrote a novel about picking up Euro chicks.

* Ben Shapiro whines: "Why doesn't the Left laud us from crushing dissent on the Right?" https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/08/conservatives-oust-bigotry-left-only-criticizes-them-for-it/

* Nationalism: https://archive.fo/fs4CB

* https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/30/opinion/america-white-minority-majority.html?imp_id=479097998&action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage "When Hispanics who identify themselves as white are added in, the white share of the population actually grew modestly between 2000 and 2017 from 75.1 percent to 76.6 percent."

* Kindness from the Trumps: https://www.commdiginews.com/politics-2/president-and-first-lady-visit-with-ashton-zari-105485/

* NYT: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/30/us/keith-elllison-karen-monahan.html

* https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/navy-drag-queen-harpy-daniels-serving-looks-country-n905056

* Driven to suicide by bullies, or his mother? http://www.desertsun.co.uk/blog/8100/

* https://story.californiasunday.com/resnick-a-kingdom-from-dust

* https://voxday.blogspot.com/2018/08/shut-up-wesley-they-explained.html

http://lukeford.net/blog/?p=122084 Beth Leipholtz writes:

Here are a few pieces of advice for recovering without a 12-step program.

1. Find your tribe. I can’t stress enough how important it is to find peers who understand the journey you are on and who have been where you are. When you are feeling down or as if your sobriety is in jeopardy, you need to have people you can reach out to and talk it through with. These can be people you know in real life or online. There are so many resources on the internet and on social media for connecting with other people in recovery…

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