Joshua 11 and 12 Defeat of the Nothern Kings

3 years ago

This hodgepodge of an army gathers together at Merom to fight Israel.
This strategy didn't work for the last guys who challenged Israel, but for some reason this crew thinks it'll work for them. Good luck…
God tells Joshua not to fear for all their enemies would be vanquished.
Joshua leads the Israelites and slays the opposing army—shocking.
Joshua personally slays the king of Hazor and burns him, probably just to make sure he's really dead. People have a tendency to come back to life in the Bible (we're looking at you, Lazarus).
The Israelites take all the booty they can find.
In case you'd forgotten, Joshua is kind of like Moses 2.0: "Just as the Lord had commanded Moses his servant, so Moses commanded Joshua, and so Joshua did. He left nothing undone of all that the Lord had commanded Moses" (15).
Only two tribes make peace with Israel: the Gibeonites and some of the Hivites.

Generally speaking, the Canaanites didn't stand a chance of making peace with Israel, since God had "harden[ed] their hearts that they should come against Israel in battle" (20). Gee thanks, God.
Chapter 12 retells the conquest of Canaan in rapid succession.
We move from one conquered place to the next without any embellishing.
It reminds us of when we got into trouble in the fourth grade and had to copy out of the dictionary. No embellishing in the dictionary.

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