Psalm 7 - God defends the just

3 years ago

Psalm 7
David's confession chant. Chanted to the LORD about Kush the Benjamite.

1 LORD my God, I take shelter in you! Save me from all my pursuers. Free me!
2 Let them not seize me, like lions, and tear me away, tear me apart, with no one to deliver me.

3 LORD, my God, if I have done what you blame me for, if there is injustice in my hands

4 if I paid the friend who did good with evil, if I stripped my adversaries of everything,

5 that the enemy will chase me until he reaches me, that he will trample me alive on earth and drag my honor into the dust!

6 Arise, O LORD, in your indignation! Rise against the excess of fury of my oppressors. Awake, my God! Establish your designated judgment!

7 Gather the assembly of peoples around you. From the heights he reigns over all the nations of the earth.

8 The LORD is the one who judges the peoples. Judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness, according to the innocence that is in me!

9 Righteous God, who searches the minds and entrails, puts an end to the wickedness of the wicked, and the righteous gives security and peace.

10 God is the shield that covers me, the savior of upright hearts.

11 God is the just judge! God who shows, every day, his extreme zeal.

12 If a man does not convert, God will sharpen his sword; because you already set your bow

13 he prepared death weapons for himself and produced his flaming arrows.

14 Everyone who generates evil conceives suffering and gives birth to disappointment.

15 Whoever digs a hole as a trap falls into a deep pit, which he made himself.

16 So his wickedness will turn against him and his violence will fall on his own head.

17 But I will give thanks to the Lord for his righteousness, and will sing and praise the Name of the Lord, the Most High!

King James Bible Updated.
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