Black Adrenochrome aka WALNUT SAUCE! They eat our babies!

2 years ago

This is a very disturbing video on the research and disclosure about "Walnut Sauce." While doing the research on this project, the facts were found to be far worse than expected and eye opening.

Please Take Note: This video was made to specifically address and to bring to the attention of the viewer about the black people in particular. Black people are being targeted and specifically black babies and black children by the worlds elite, Planned Parenthood and other nefarious individuals and agencies. Why? Because black babies are being targeted more because of their calcified Adrenochrome known as WALNUT SAUCE among the sick elite. This term "Black Walnut" comes from the elite themselves. It is a fact that not just black children are targeted but children of all colors as well. Regardless of a person's skin color, what is being done to them is horrific. Thankfully, these evil people who are traumatizing and murdering these children are being taken down. It will take a while to capture all of them but as long as the push to move forward continues, they will be captured and those children that are still alive can be rescued and helped. Please pray for all these children.

Please know that I love all children regardless of skin color. They are all created in the Image of Almighty Yahweh. They are precious in His Sight.

There are some terms used in this video that can be construed to be racist and this is not the case. So, please do not read into what you hear as being racist. There is no "race card" being played in this video.


Credit to Ella Cruz for the article on Black Adrenochrome:

They are stealing your organs YouTube video:

Obama Bush Cheney all eat baby pineal glands:

BE Informed BE Warned BE Educated

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