The Vaccine Passport for activities vs The God Passport for Life!

3 years ago

Welcome to Episode #28 of -- The A, B, C’s from God – The Truth About Being Christian.
Today’s show is entitled – “The Vaccine Passport (for activities), vs The God Passport (for Life)!”
In last week’s show we talked about how the Godly Lifestyle is more Fun than the Sinners Lifestyle!!
I am sharing this show with you because it shares the truth of this world being run on a God Passport for life!

Big Tech $$ and ungodly Leaders attempting a worldly Coup (please see our past shows: “The Devil’s Devices”, & “The Great Reset Whistleblower” in My Description.

Let’s pray for these lost individuals for the Spirit to take hold in them!

Greedy $$, Leaders, “these god wanna be’s” have an even greater enemy than the people of this world they are abusing.

Jesus Christ, the one from the Holy Bible, that is not the qur’anic version of Jesus.
He has written a book called Revelation, through the Apostle John,
which tells in a 1st Century picture way of the evil ones rise; and eventual Fall!

Now don’t just read the Book of Revelation in the Bible without knowing the context it was written in. Get a Study Bible, join a church, and get active for Christ!

This evil one deceived man in the Garden several 1000 years ago.
Then, Jesus Christ defeated the evil one & death on a cross a couple thousand years later, as He rose alive from the grave!

You and I can rise from that same grave by accepting what this wonderful God has done for us – then following Him!

If you enjoyed this show please Subscribe , Like, & Share it with a friend; as well please share this show with a political leader, a lawyer or judge, a media company, & with a teacher or religious leader.

Join with me for next week’s show entitled: “Loving Christian Disciple Striving to Keep the Laws – Heavenbound! Godless Hateful Lawbreakers – Hellbound!”

For those of you who are currently without a church group, please feel free to go to My Description and listen to a weekly sermon from the Richmond Alliance Church. We also recommend our brother’s down south, John MacArthur, at Grace to You, and Alastair Begg, at “Truth for Life”.

If you have just come to Jesus Christ, or have been following Him for awhile, begin, or keep up, your DAILY habit of reading the Holy Bible, be part of a Bible based Church, and join with my friends & I in sharing God’s Truths, His A, B, C’s, About Being Christian.
God Bless!

“What’s That You Say? The Godly Lifestyle is More Fun than the Sinners Lifestyle!
“The Great Reset Whistleblower”
“The Devil’s Devices” – Including the first 12 Shows from The ABC’s From God
Richmond Alliance Church:
John MacArthur sermons , Grace to You:
Alastair Begg, “Truth for Life”:
Revelation 2: 10
The Throne, The Lamb & The Dragon – Paul Spilsbury pp. 95-96 Inter Varsity Press 2002.

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