NESARA & GESARA | What is GESARA? | The Gold Standard and The Global Reset

3 years ago

What is NESARA? What is GESARA? What does it mean for America?

What does it mean for our country, for you? How will the Global Reset not be the Great Reset? How will the money changeover to the Gold Standard affect GESARA?


NESARA and The Mark of The Beast Paperback

Here is a brief description on his book:
Have you ever heard of NESARA (the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act) written in the 1970's? I bet not. No one has. But those who have heard about it are confused if it has something to do with the Mark of the Beast. These two topics are diametrically opposed to one another. A new financial system will be and is being released into the world (its corollary is called GESARA for Global Economic...) to pull the world away from the Fiat currency into a Gold-Backed currency that will bring about freedom and a lack of Debt. But too many have read Revelation's responses about the Mark of the Beast. They believe, mistakenly, that NESARA and GESARA is the Mark. I explain how these are two different concepts of monetary value and how they are completely important for the world to understand. No more should you not learn about money. You need to understand it. Today!


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