Final Fantasy 11: The end

3 years ago

I decided to play Final Fantasy 11 because I love Final Fantasy games, and a friend by the name of Alex Petrov recommended it. The first time I played was from 2004 - 2006. I tried playing Warrior, Monk, White Mage, Summoner, and Black Mage. I ended up falling in love with Black Mage and played Black Mage as my main job with White Mage as the sub job. However, I quit in 2006, at level 64, out of frustration that no one wanted to party with Black Mage because of changes in the expansion, Treasures of Aht Urhgan. I deleted my character (big mistake). One lesson I learned is never delete an MMO character. You might want to play the game again.

In 2018, I got curious if anyone was playing Final Fantasy 11 on Twitch, and I discovered Rob. He told me that changes were made to make it possible for people to solo most of the content thanks to a feature called trusts. I started a new character, and I decided to play with Black Mage as the main job with Red Mage as the sub job. I completed all of the Bastok missions, Rise of the Zilart, Chains of Promathia, and Treasures of Aht Urhgan. I played Wings of the Goddess until Mission 18 "Traitor in the Midst" and took a long break from the game.

In 2021, I decided to finish the game. I finished Wings of the Goddess, played through Seekers of Adoulin, and finished Rhapsodies of Vana'diel. Today, on 5/29/2021, I defeated the last boss of RoV with help from another player.

I know some of the old school players resent the fact trusts made players less dependent on each other, but I will always be grateful to Square for the trust feature. It gave me the opportunity to see all the content.

Thank you, Square, for telling such an awesome story called Final Fantasy 11. Final Fantasy 11 will always have a special place in my heart because it was my first MMO.

Get the game on Steam:

I recommend playing the game with a free launcher called Windower:

I used this online guide to complete missions & quests:

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