How to Act if a Loved One Passes Away

3 years ago

When a loved one leaves the earth, we should strive to send positive thoughts and prayers. We should ask that they be assisted in heaven and for them to be positive about their new life in the spirit world.
Thinking depressive thoughts and wishing them back is counter-productive to the newly passed away. They will feel horrible and have a hard time adjusting to their new life in the spirit world.

How to Live – Inner Peace through Spiritism -

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Book 1 – Heaven and Below – Book 1 of Spiritism – The Spirit World as Revealed to an Anglican Vicar -

Book 2 – Spirits and the Spirit Universe -

Book 3 – How we are Guided by Spirits -

Explore Your Destiny – Since Your Life’s Path is (mostly) Predetermined – Understand the world you live in and where you are going -

Book covering my experiences with Spiritism: 7 Tenets of Spiritism -

Book covering the topic of Near Death Experiences: The Spirit World Talks to Us -

Book covering occurrences in past lives that affect our present life – The Problem is the Solution:

The Case for Reincarnation – explains how reincarnation works and your part in determining your own trials on earth:

Spiritism 101 – An introduction to Spiritism:

Spiritism – Everything is Connected:

51 Disclosures from Spiritism – The 3rd Revelation:

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