the best dribbles from the best players of 2017

3 years ago

Dribbling Skills How to Develop Good Soccer Dribbling Skills
As simple as it seems, dribbling is a great skill to work on in your backyard. When dribbling, you need to be able to think a couple of plays ahead. You need to be able to push the ball into a space where you can get the ball and the defender cannot. When dribbling, work on keeping your eyes up and in front of you, rather than staring down at the ball.

Soccer is a sport unlike almost all others, as the feet are needed for technical skills more than the hands. A number of fundamental skills are needed to play soccer, with advanced players able to build on the fundamental skills for more complex and precise dribbling, passing and shooting. The skills of a soccer player also vary from one position to another, with a goalkeeper needing much different skills than a field player.

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