Squawk by Patriotic Poet

3 years ago


Parrots repeat whatever they’ve heard
claiming it’s fact as something learned
It’s easy to believe both sides of it all
pay attention, be on the ball

The internet is of full rumors and fact
false flags are there as readers react
Eat up each tidbit as it is given
when proven false, you are forgiven

Trying to figure out what’s going on
what is true versus what is a con
The squawk box churns out such tall tales
streaming sites have some truth and fables

Truthers are trying to wake up readers
many asleep from decades of deceivers
Fact and fiction spinning in your head
can’t believe all you have seen or read

So how can one decipher it all
is it true or from the cabal
Many will be fooled is what we are told
separate yourself from the rest of the fold

Doing your own research takes much time
being misinformed should be a crime
Discernment is your wisest approach
pray that wisdom in judgement encroach

Patriotic Poet


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