Tucker Carlson Tonight 28 May Jan 21

3 years ago

The Marxist Left's War on Science is front and center. Tucker uses Führerin Gretchen Witmer, the journals "Neurology" , "The Strategic Management Journal", and the journal "Nature" as examples. VDH joins Tucker to predict the obvious end game.
Abigail Shrier (The Truth Fairy on Substack) talks about unscientific Gender Reassignment, Archbischop Chaput joins Tucker on TC today. This was an interesting explanation of the marxist replacement of God by Man.
Rand Paul joins Tucker to go over the reasons for Vaccine Hesitancy. #1 on the list is why they are vaccinating previously infected people. Dr. Risch from Yale School of Public Health (of all places) describes the vaccine mania.
In the name of "Equity". The Idiot is nominating pure political hacks to run key scientific agencies. Heather Macdonald (Brilliant. Manhattan Institute) joins Tucker to discuss one key nomination: Asmeret Asefaw Berhe (yes, really) to run the Office of Science at the DOE. Her qualifications? She is a black female. Presumably, if she were in a wheel chair, or identified as a man she'd be even more qualified. Until yesterday, we were pushing STEM to lead the world. Now we are pushing diversity. This isn't going to end well.
Science has taken the wrong turn regarding "Climate Change". Michael Schellenberger, author of "Apocalypse Never" joins Tucker to explain the absence of an emergency. Often the science is out there, but
This is one of the best episodes of TCT I've seen.

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