Post Workout Meal Ideas: What Glutamine Does and Why it Matters to Your Body.

3 years ago

One of the questions we get here at from people curious about the best post workout meal, post workout snack or other post workout meal ideas is “What is glutamine and why is it important?”

According to WebMD, the answer to the question about what glutamine does is pretty straight forward. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in our bodies and it works to support many healthy functions, including making proteins for muscle tissue and fueling the cells that protect our intestines which helps our bodies absorb the nutrients we need. Glutamine also helps detoxify the liver of foreign substances.

Your body makes glutamine but if it is stressed by vigorous exercise, injury or illness, additional supplementation may be helpful.

For fitness enthusiasts wondering how to make a strength potion from all the options and ingredients that are out there, studies show that when supplementing with glutamine, athletes can reduce both muscle soreness and strength loss.

So regardless of whether you’re looking for a post workout meal for weight gain or a post workout snack for weight loss, including glutamine supplementation might be a good idea.

One thing many people don’t think about is the fact that glutamine is the main fuel source for your body’s lymphocytes, white blood cells, that fight infection and disease as well.

We feel so strongly about the power of glutamine that we’ve created an ultra-pure glutamine powder called SuperGlu, that can easily be mixed with other beverages, a fruit juice flavored drink mix called Amino-Tor which also contains branched chain amino acids and many other protein supplements and weigh gainers which contain this powerful ingredient too.

When you are looking for glutamine and check the labels on some of our most popular protein powders such as Matrix, Trophix, Nectar, Micellar Creme or Goliath you’ll be sure to find many high quality ingredients, including glutamine listed.

For more information about our products containing glutamine, be sure to visit us at

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