I wanted to share a powerful video by Dr. Erika Scott, PhD. Summarized by ASL Patriot Broadcast

3 years ago

Rough Transcript:
Hello and welcome! I wanted to share a powerful video by Dr. Erika Scott, PhD. Dr Erika gave a speech to Ohio’s legislature on May 25 th, urging them to support HB (house bill) 248, which is called “Enact Vaccine Choice and Anti-Discrimination Act “. Dr. Scott is herself a descendant of slaves and indigenous people and is very concerned that requiring people to get the COVID vaccine will result in modern day segregation. Here are some profound comments from her speech:
“Any student of history clearly sees the distinct parallels between segregation due to race and segregation due to vaccine status. Government sanctioned discrimination based on skin color is no different than government sanctioned discrimination based on vaccine status. The unvaccinated will become second class citizens just like Blacks once were.”
“During the civil rights movement, Blacks fought against unjust laws. Today citizens are fighting against the tyranny of government officials and the bullying from people in their daily lives who expect them to relinquish their God-given freedoms upheld in the Constitution to the state and obey mandates, mere words of men, which are not laws.”
“In slavery, Blacks were masked for several reasons: to dehumanize, to shame, to silence, to isolate, to punish, to emphasize “otherness”, and to incite fear. Blacks also had to show their papers to prove that they had freedom of movement off and on the plantations owned by their masters. How are the COVID masks, social distancing, tracking and tracing, and vaccine passports of today any different than the tools used by the oppressors of yesteryear?”
“Fear and intimidation were used on Blacks then and it is being used in the exact same way on citizens now. Fear is psychological warfare. When the mind is controlled by fear, then one’s body and movements can also be controlled.”
“Lockdowns, masks, tracking and tracing, and vaccine mandates are abusive because they are systematically stripping away the freedoms of citizen to choose for themselves the best course of action for their health. The idea of mandatory vaccinations for people to keep their jobs smacks of the same abuse that legislators have used against whatever people group they perceived to be inferior.”
“These processes are obviously discriminatory, and it is horrific to think what people are enduring today is a repeat performance of the past. Currently, disparate treatment runs rife across this nation, demanding in exchange for job security and participation in society the injection of medical treatments that are both devoid of FDA approval and legal recourse when damaging side effects occur is draconian at best and criminal at worst.”
“What happened to ‘My body, my choice’, “Don’t ask, don’t tell’, and the ‘Right to privacy’? Those who love freedom must act before it’s too late.”

Is she right in equating the mask mandate with slavery times? We shall see...

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