#103 - Attributes of God - Incomprehensibility - 86 Seconds Video Devotional - Gary Wilkerson

3 years ago

The past few weeks we've been looking at the. Introduction to the attributes, nature and character of God. It's taking us a number of weeks. Just introduce the subject and so deep it's so profound and we talked about the 21 different attributes that I want to take the next few months to describe with you and the first of these is called the in comprehensibility of God.

Seems like a strange place, doesn't it? To start a series on the knowledge of God on how to know him by talking about him being incomprehensible, well, that word is changed over generations. It it used to mean inability to fully comprehend. It would be like you can know something, but not in exhaustiveness; now it's changed. If you look at the dictionary today, that word incomprehensible means unknowable, irrelevant, indiscernible inadequate in understanding or truth or reality. If I were to say to you, or maybe you were saying to me, let's put it that way.

After listening to this 86 seconds, you know Gary what you just said was totally incomprehensible. I'd probably be offended. I would say no. I want this to be comprehend did but God's incomprehensibility means that he's more majestic, more glorious, more powerful, more infinite. The ancient scholar said it this way, 'The finite mind cannot fully exhaustively comprehend the grantor and glories of an infinite God.'

We can know a lot about him, but we can't know all of him, and that's causes us to be in awe and wonder and worship that he's bigger than us, better than us. So it's not all about me now, it's about him and his glory.

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