What has NASA discovered around Saturn so far?

3 years ago

Our solar system is undoubtedly one of the most interesting topics of research. The numerous celestial bodies that romp about in our planetary system next to our blue home planet fascinate us not least because of their incredible otherness. Even though Mars, Mercury and Co. may at first glance appear to be only slightly different from our home planet, a closer look brings us to the conclusion that our galactic neighbours are in reality very different from Earth. In the following we would like to take a closer look at the sixth planet of our solar system together with you. Those of you who know the planet will know that it is Saturn. This impressive ringed planet, which was recently examined in detail by the NASA space probe Cassini, has been fascinating mankind for countless centuries. According to this, the second largest planet in our solar system was named many hundreds of years ago, when the ancient Romans named the breathtaking celestial object after a significant deity. Have fun with these 10 amazing facts about Saturn!

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