WND Exclusive - All Free Thinkers should Stand with Israel

3 years ago

by: Brent Smith

The so called Palestinians could have had their own “homeland” long ago if it weren’t for them Jews and the Oppressor State, Israel. This is of course the worldwide conventional wisdom.

But as is most often the case, conventional wisdom is wrong. In fact is the opposite of wisdom for anyone who cares to do just a little research and maintain an open mind.

I realize in this day and age, that’s a big ask.

The fact remains that there has never been a race of people so blindly oppressed and persecuted as the Jewish race, from the time of the Egyptian Pharaohs to present day. The Jewish race has literally known nothing but oppression and hatred for their entire existence. And existence is the key word here. They’ve been the world’s most hated race for no other reason that they exist...

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