Mokey's Show - 424 - Steroids

3 years ago

Grooby and Dilan start the episode by flexing and Exercising. Mokey comes in and asks what are they doing. Grooby explains that they are exercising, and calls Mokey a fatso. Grooby asks Mokey if he wants to be strong and shows asteroids (steroids). Mokey screams how asteroids are bad. Grooby punches Mokey and tells him to shut up. Grooby then asks Mokey if he wants to be strong. Mokey agrees, only to get ten thousand asteroids shoved down his throat. Mokey then exclaims that his is feeling strong, he shows his muscles and screams. Groovy then tells him to pick up a 3 pound weight, Mokey then lifts the weight as groovy tells him to lift a larger weight. Mokey throws the current weight and grabs the larger weight, he screams 2 times trying to lift it. He then breaks his arm lifting the weight and screams for a third time. However, the 3 pound weight ends up in Momi's left eye, when she asks what did it, Mokey (who is now hella buff) states that he doesn't know only for Momi to realize it was indeed Mokey who threw the weight (as Mokey does some curls). Momi then proceeds to call the police but not before Mokey yells "who ya gonna call huh?" "who ya gonna call?". As the cop arrives, Momi tells him that Mokey and his bois are taking asteroids. However, as the cop interrogates them, Mokey flattens him with a single punch. This pisses off Momi and she proceeds to slap one of Mokey's asteroid boosted arms, to which he exclaims "you dare hit me!?" only to be slapped in the face, extremely hard. Upon witnessing Mokey getting knocked out, Dilan and Grooby revert to normal and Momi proceeds to lecture them about the consequences of taking asteroids (though she, ironically, consumes several asteroids to demonstrate) and Dilan and Grooby comply with Momi's order. However, Mokey wakes up, points to the sky, and exclaims "Oh, no! An asteroid!" followed with the four of them screaming, shrieking, and shouting as a real asteroid (a giant space rock) collides with them and explodes (likely killing them in the process). AH HYUG!

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