3 years ago

This is a BRILLIANT tactic, by serving the Chief Constable in Nottingham with Proof that Covid-19 is a total sham, he can no longer claim ignorance when he's put on trial for ordering officers to enforce measures that result in them having to break their oath. Included in the package are FOIA requests that prove the so-called "virus" has never been isolated, Status of COVID-19 "As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK." as well as proof that the PCR test is being misused due to the established fact that it can not diagnose infection.

Progress is being made in establishing a Supranational Coronavirus Court to prosecute the conspirators who perpetrated the Greatest Crime Against Humanity the world has ever seen. By serving people in positions of power with undeniable proof that Covid-19 is a complete and utter FRAUD, when they continue to further this Scamdemic, it can be proven in court that they are doing so "Knowingly" and are therefore willing participants in a conspiracy to commit GENOCIDE. It removes their ability to claim ignorance that what they are doing is wrong.

(Note to Nuremberg 2.0 naysayers) Are you aware that by publicly stating that the perpetrators of the Covid-Crime Against Humanity will never be brought to justice, you are saying that you believe that mankind has already lost? You are saying that there is no hope for the future. What you are declaring is that you are siding with the Sociopaths that have inflicted this suffering upon the world!

There are only two paths before us, either We The People will have JUSTICE, or the Luciferian Globalists succeed and humanity is decimated with the remainder forever enslaved. There really is no middle ground, it is one or the other. If you're so inclined to believe that Satan triumphs over God, why not go get jabbed and help New World Order depopulate one more "useless eater"? You're not helping, so your voice won't be missed.

This is truly a battle between Good and Evil, and you're either on one side or the other. Matthew 12:30 (Aramaic Bible in Plain English) "Whoever is not with me is against me; whoever does not gather with me truly is scattering."

God wins and we will have JUSTICE. If you declare that this will never happen, know that you are siding with the enemy. It will happen, because it MUST HAPPEN. It will happen because Patriots will not rest until it does. The more people who join in this demand for justice, the sooner it will become a reality. This defeatist "Poor-Me" BS has got to stop. Either keep it to yourself, or side with humanity by using your voice to demand JUSTICE.

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