START THESE SINKING FUNDS TODAY | Top 10 things you need to save for but don't | financial advice

3 years ago

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START THESE SINKING FUNDS TODAY | Top 10 things you need to save for but don't | financial advice

We have a BUNCH of sinking funds. These are the top ten that we think everyone should start today! These are things that almost everyone should save for but they just don't think of it that way. To be clear - we only got here becasue of a lot of very sound, biblical financial advice form Dave Ramsey. You can learn more about him and his Financial Peace University Course at

It may seem like this is a hard time to talk about saving money but this is EXACTLY the right time! If we don't make it a discipline when it's hard we probably won't when it's a little easier. Is there anything you save for regularly that we didn't include here? Let us know in the comments below!

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