Millionaire Mind phrases and how they will inspire you

3 years ago

Why is the book "The Secret of the Millionaire Mind" a success?
The book "The Secret of the Millionaire Mind" is the professional success story of Canadian T. Harv Eker.


But, as you start reading this book, you will realize that your victory is very much related to the various flaws and extremely wrong decisions for your business.

And it is because of this that his book has gained a lot of fame and is very interesting, as it shows how to achieve success, starting from the bottom, and without repeating some mistakes that he experienced.

And as much as Eker had enough money to start his companies, it is notable that the lack of knowledge to deal with finances was one of the main points that were missing in the journey to success.

That is why we at iDinheiro are always emphasizing the importance of planning and financial health.


In addition, we always ask people to be fully aware of where they are investing their capital, whether in financial assets, or opening their own business.

But back to Harv Eker's book, you must be wondering how he achieved success, right? Well, he started to be successful in his choices after asking for help from people who were already successful in their business.

In this book he comments on a friend of his family who was extremely wealthy and gave several tips and teachings.

One of the phrases that marked Eker was "if things are not going as you would like, it just means that there is something you do not know". These words emphasized with Eker at that time he lived: quite arrogant and with the feeling that he already knew everything.

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