The Red Pill Is The Way Forward

3 years ago

MGTOW Is The Way Forward

Intro- Men escaping the rule of women. Brifaults law. (Show comment from stef video)
• As soon as rape is illegal or the alpha protects the women then women run everything. They decide who the alpha is and they decide what is rape.
• We have at least the Iroquois example
• Men escaping female rule skyrockets technological growth. Columbus and Cortez
• Most women can’t lead but have no problem telling the leaders how to do shit with their lack of experience.
• Brian story.
• Just look what happens when women control the media. Costco career
• 9 year old tranny. The left are using children because they are children.
• Disruptive tranny.

Philsophy – Admitting to your mistakes. I hate to talk about Japanese in every video but this just bugs me. George Trombly. My fans in the beginning have offered some great critiques. The path to success is work hard and take critique. The left is not doing at least the critique part therefore they will lose power.

Longevity expert on joe rogan (OBS video feed slow zoom then stop). Do you really want to live with lifetime alimony under those conditions.

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