Surviving Corona (Personal AND Business Tips for any Epidemic)

3 years ago

Is the Coronavirus nothing, or is it the end of the world? We've heard it all at this point, so I wanted to weigh in give you my thoughts, because I've had a lot of survival experience, both personal and professional, and people are asking. So here's my best advice for network marketers on surviving Coronavirus...

#1 - In times of crisis, people default back to their training.

In the military days, whenever things got really crazy, my outlet was to laugh. When times are dark, and you can't make sense of anything, why not laugh? It does no good to get worried, because you can't really think at that point -- getting worries doesn't solve the problem.

The lighter you are, the better you can think. Period. We had a saying in the military: "First you do this, and then you do this." (meaning, go back to your checklist from your training)

Every time you feel that "locked up" feeling of worry... go back to your checklist.

#2 - Evaluate what is -- don't try to solve the mysteries.

It's easy to be looking at so much news/media/etc that you forfeit your ability to look ahead. Decide what can affect you personally (and the probability of it happening), and do your best to make sane decisions AHEAD OF TIME, based on the data you have. If you get new data in the future, adjust your plan accordingly.

#3 - Basic Survival Tips (8:00)

If you don't have a plan B, allocate the time now to create it. Lots of tactical advice here, and I've put some links below... But the biggest thing is don't fight your situation -- decide it. The time it takes you to decide yes/no between something in the moment could cost you.

#4 - The Social Veneer is wearing off (13:51)

We've been living in an entitled society, and times like these force a "peeling off" of the fake status, and we all get a dose of reality. For some people it's a very harsh thing, but I believe it needs to happen every so often in a society.

Too many times, our bias in a particular area affects our judgement, and now -- in the midst of crisis -- we ditch our biases because of truth, and our awareness of what's real is coming up. And that's a good thing.

#5 - Network Marketing Tips During This Time

Once again, the pipeline reigns supreme. Even in the worst of times, companies don't fire those who are making sales.

In fact, Network Marketing companies don't "take hits" -- their leaders just pause doing the pipeline, and sales suffer. Traditionally, strong (frugal) companies will boom in poor conditions -- fortunes are made during recessions. No business can afford to lose their best marketers/sellers.

IMPORTANT -- New leaders are being decided now.

It's in the time of crisis that you really identify leadership. You want to be a stabilizing factor, because people are kinda wobbly -- they're looking for stability.

People want stable leadership, not a cheerleader. Somebody who's really looking after them, not blowing smoke that everything is gonna be OK.

So with your customers and your team members, make sure you don't invalidate a concern they have. Address it. Be truthful. Walk through it together. Look at the best/worst outcomes and make an educated guess on how best to proceed.

And if I had to boil it down to just 2 things:
1. Hug your family often -- that's all you have
2. Make people's life better

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★ About Tim Sales - Network Marketing Power:
Tim Sales is a 30-year veteran in Network Marketing. He's a million-dollar earner in multiple companies, he's been interviewed by Larry King and Grant Cardone, and now he's sharing his knowledge on how to build a successful network marketing business of your own, with real-world examples from his 30-year experience in the industry.

He's breaking down the industry into little bite-sized pieces, so you have exactly what it takes to really have success in network marketing.

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