May 24th 2021 Forensic Audit Integrity at Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix.

3 years ago

I made an error here: Sonny Borrelli changed his vote to reconsider the bill against the Vaccine Passports has nothing to do with the audit my apologies I was trying to say for example blah blah....
May 24th 2021 The Forensic Audit Integrity at Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix. We did several videos for the record, but this one we wanted to share it with you bc it is historical times and this az audit, the audit will go down in history as a domino effect started in AZ. If not at least we can say we were there folks. Thank you for sharing and supporting us.

Producer Director Host George Nemeh
MAAP Real Talk Show Copyrights 2021

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