Vaccinated People Are Being TRACKED in Real Time - Dark Web

3 years ago

Vaccinated People Are Being TRACKED in Real Time via 5G Cellular, and all that data can be hacked-into to track YOU

A Russian hacker went on the dark web and found a database that shows vaccinated people’s info (like their vital signs, their exact GPS coordinates, whether they are sleeping or awake) being uploaded in real time. Ppl who have received the vaccine are now being tracked in real time by this Artificial Intelligence 5g system. They have become transmitters, transmitting all info about themselves back to the mothership aka the AI receiver. This is wild dude.... It also shows the exact info of the firmware, CPU info and processor that is inside the person.

video purportedly showing that COVID-VAX recipients give off radio signals that can track them 24/7.

I do not profess to have knowledge of this possibility or its impossibility. I will research this further.

But the video seems so compelling, that I have to pass it on because it claims to show that VAX recipients can be tracked, in real time, every moment of every day, and they give off unique identifier information that links to a database collecting all the info about them every day:

(Egy orosz hacker felkereste a dark webet, és talált egy olyan adatbázist, amely az oltott emberek adatait (például életjeleiket, pontos GPS-koordinátáikat, azt, hogy alszanak-e vagy ébren vannak) valós időben feltöltik.
Azokat a személyeket, akik megkapták a vakcinát, valós időben követi ez a mesterséges intelligencia 5g rendszer.
Adókká váltak, akik minden információt visszaküldenek magukról a központba, azaz a mesterséges intelligencia vevőkészülékének.
Megmutatja a személyben lévő firmware, CPU info és processzor pontos adatait is.)

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