Aerogarden Farm - Day 18 Lettuce, Tomatoes and Peppers Oh My!

3 years ago

Hi everyone,

I want to start by saying thanks for watching this video. This is an update on my Aerogarden Farms.
In this video the farms are going on day 18 for the lettuce and some of the tomatoes and day 17 for the peppers.
The lettuce in the video are Black Seeded Simpson in the back, Salad and Gourmet variety in the middle and Baby Romaine in the front. The Black Seeded Simpson grows fast, I love checking on them through out the day and watching them grow. Seriously I can't wait to eat it.
The tomatoes are doing really well too. The 4 bigger ones in the video are actually on day 23. My Friend who has 8 Farm units told me to trim the roots, I did that on Sunday afternoon and Tuesday morning I noticed that the tomatoes had little tiny flowers on them, including the one that I transplanted to the 3 inch biodegradable pots. I'm not sure if the root trimming and the transplant had some thing to do with it or if that's just how these plants are.
Because the tomatoes started flowering I went ahead and added Cal Mag. Since this was the first feeding of Cal Mag I only did 7ml instead of 10 and I went ahead and did 6ml in the lettuce too. I will increase it as the tomatoes and lettuce grow.
The Anaheim pepper and the Sweet Bell Peppers are doing good too. I lost one of the Anaheim seedling when I was thinning them, it was a big one too, kind of hurt. It's ok I still got 3 Anaheim and 2 additional Sweet Bell peppers. Which I plant to transplant to a pot once they get a little bigger.
On another note, I had made a video of the thinning but it was lost when transferring to my pc. After putting the seedling into my Aerogardens, it looked like the seedling were dying when I put them into their own individual pods, I added some Super Thrive to the water 1 drop per gallon and in the morning when I woke up, they were thriving as if nothing had happened.
I highly recommend it for your Aerogarden or any hydroponic set up including indoor and out door plants. I love this stuff!!!

Hope you like the video, please subscribe to my channel for more updates.

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