Why are formal transgenders "detransitioning"

3 years ago

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s (WPATH) Standards of Care (SOC) doesn’t reference detransition, although the majority of WPATH surgeons support the inclusion of detransition guidelines in the next (eighth) edition of the SOC. Perhaps in the detransition context, the next SOC edition should emphasise the gender ‘chicken and egg’ riddle: are gender-stereotyped behaviors reinforced by society simply because they are the expectation/norm of the dimorphic human template, based merely on the way testosterone acts on the ‘normal’ male brain and the way estrogen acts on the ‘normal’ female brain? Or do they become the norm through the reinforcement of gender roles that are subconsciously created from our observations of naturally-occurring gender stereotypes? The pie doesn’t need redistribution, it just needs to grow to benefit both trans people and detransitioners.

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