Pastor Homer Evins Jr May 23 2021 - You Will Be My Witnesses V (In Prayer)

3 years ago

Pastor Homer Evins Jr May 23 2021 - You Will Be My Witnesses V (In Prayer)

Bible Teaching from God's Word:
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You Will Be My Witnesses (In Prayer)
James 5:16
'Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. '

I. Know Who You’re Talking To (Matthew 6:9-13)
• Good Morning!! I’m so glad that you are here with us today!😊
• Today’s text is a good one!! Why? Because we get to flesh this out!
• Today we are talking about prayer! This is something that is easy to do!
• It is also something easy to forget!!
• As we examine our text today we see that this is a part of the statement that is being made.
• One of the most important things we need to grab a hold of is this…Who are you praying to?
• This sounds like a silly question, or even a preposterous notion, but it must be addressed.
• Read (Matthew 6:9-13). Jesus makes it a point to give us a guide regarding not. Only how to pray but to understand the right way to address the one we are praying to!

II. Know What You Are Praying About (James 5:13-15)
• Now we address this next important aspect!
• It is what are we praying about. This is where we get to the verbalizing what we are asking for.
• Here is where many books have been written, theories have been concocted, items have been sold (for extra prayer security!)
• But no matter how many books are written, theories are presented, or swindlers make off with your hard earned money (and you only got a prayer rock named Steve!) it still comes down to what is in God’s will!
• But the thing that we are called to do is to pray and carry our petitions to Him!
• But aren’t you glad that God gives you a family of believers!! Read (James 5:13-16)

III. Give It To God (Romans 10:9)
• Now comes the fun part!
• We give it to God! We place the concerns in His hands! We trust in Him for the answer to the things we are bringing Him!
• Have you tried to pray but you are more frustrated than before?
• Q. Are you taking it back? (Expound)
• Choose Jesus Today!!

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