Malibu Road Official Teaser (2021) - CIA EXPOSE

3 years ago

MALIBU ROAD Official Teaser (2021) - CIA EXPOSE (Names changed to protect the guilty since they are now dead)

Directed by Montgomery Markland


Based on the truth about government research on the radical effects of LSD, we dive into clinical trials held by Dr. Raymond Forrester. We parade through a New Year’s Eve party gone wrong w/ unsuspecting victims at an infamous Malibu hotel known for seditious activities.

Subscribe to our channel for updates about the #1 independent movie coming in 2021.

Currently rated 91% on Rotten Tomatoes, the highest rated movie in history about a CIA black op.

See it in theatres worldwide and on VOD in 2021. Discover the hidden 1950s-1960s history of Operation Midnight Climax and MKUltra.

Rated R by the Motion Picture Association of America for brief nudity, mild violence and "CIA sanctioned drug use."

7,000,000+ trailer views across all platforms worldwide and counting. The most viewed independent movie trailer worldwide in history.

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