Quantum Dream Teaming and Light Language Activation With Lightstar at Sedona Cosmic Awakening

3 years ago

This video is Lightstar's full presentation "Empowering Yourself Through Quantum Dream Teaming" at the 2019 Cosmic Awakening Conference in Sedona. Also includes a POWERFUL Guided Visualization and Light Language Activation for Dream Enhancement and connecting to your "Dream Team". Enjoy!!

Want to watch the other presentations? Buy the full HD Sedona Cosmic Awakening 2019 Conference Video: https://gumroad.com/l/jgMKf?fbclid=IwAR1kkx7n3LbM581mwVNjBmx19licRcjXi5fsGz8YbT0DoT2qjP1t9GQCqqM This material is copyright and property of TeamLight (http://teamlight.com), All rights reserved.

What is the true meaning of our dream-time experience? What can we learn from our dreams, and how can we apply these pearls of wisdom to improve our individual lives? In this ever-expanding evolutionary time of heightened awareness, we have a unique opportunity to break through the limitation barriers of time and space, to influence our current reality through dream-time….and we don’t have to do it alone. Recognize your power with the Divine gift of “Dream Teaming.” Ignite into your next level of the quantum field of expansion with Light Language Activation Dream Codes. This presentation Includes a POWERFUL Guided Visualization and Light Language Activation for Dream Enhancement and connecting to your "Dream Team". Enjoy!!

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