The Death of Dr. Fauci’s Most Notable Critic

3 years ago

Dr. Kary Mullis was a very good friend, years ago we surfed together, partied together, shared a love of science and biotech. He was a consummate joker and great storyteller, but he was also a fierce seeker of truth and doing what was right.

He was the inventor of the PCR test, and lectured science to never misuse his discovery to diagnose infections because that is not how it worked. He would have been furious to know PCR tests were being used to terrorize the world. He spent a lifetime blowing the whistle on Fauci and big pharma, over thirty years, in fact. There are hours and hours of him on video calling Fauci out for his frauds, especially HIV/AIDS which Fauci became wealthy over. Kary was on a mission for decades to out Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Robert Gallo for all of their HIV/AIDS dirty deeds but excited investigative journalists always were scared away, I personally know for a fact, one 60 Minutes producer that was threatened by a man we knew did ‘wetwork’ for the CIA, a man you didn’t want to end up on his radar.

Let me connect some dots. You see, Fauci and Gallo made up the connection between the so-called HIV and AIDS, their people paid protestors to demand action from the CDC and Congress, in order to get billions in funding.

They picked a deadly useless old cancer drug, AZT, to be the treatment for their made-up virus and used the PCR test to "find" it in patients.
Hundreds of thousands of people died from the AIDS Hoax and the use of AZT and many millions of lives were destroyed.

Well, forward to 2019. On Monday, July 15th, 2019 Kary and I had our last conversation. I can’t share the details but he was more concerned than ever about gain-of-function (the term is being thrown around in the media a lot lately, but make no mistake about it, gain-of-function is to make viruses more contagious and DEADLY!) being conducted in the US. We knew China and even North Korea were engaged but to think labs on US soil were as well, and that the level of safety was that of a dental office was scary as hell. We were going to talk further later, once he had more concrete evidence, but he did ask me to do some deep data pulls, which I did and I shared with our mutual friend and Fauci critic.

Unfortunately, Kary died on August 7, 2019, at the age of 74 in Newport Beach.

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