Upcoming UFO Report: The Government, UFO’s, And Project Blue Beam

3 years ago

In this video, we will examine if the recent UFO sightings are US government black budget projects, technology from a foreign adversary & if they are using this as a way to implement a global government. In part three of this video, we begin an overview of Project Blue Beam.

Now personally, I prefer the theory that they are, in fact, advanced alien civilizations; I also find topics suggesting they are interdimensional beings very interesting. And maybe I will do a video about that later on, but today we will look at it from a different angle.

What I mean about that is this…, so in 2019 they release an article indicating that the Navy has a Patent for a triangle craft that bends the very fabric of reality. Then they release a video of a UFO sighting & coincidentally; it is a triangle craft? It makes you wonder what is really going on?

With everything going on in the world…nothing would surprise me.

Your guess is as good as mine…however, UFOs and aliens are far more interesting.

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