YouTube Reverses Strike on COVID Doc, 3599

3 years ago

Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup. Well, we are back!
Miracle of miracles, YouTube has rescinded their previous decision to take down
SR 3597, Top Doc - 85%
COVID Were Saveable!

after I appealed them bumping me off the air for 2 weeks. They even erased the second strike against this channel – which was just one strike from oblivion.
This morning I decided to file a formal appeal to the strike and the takedown. Zingo, by 10:30 am I got an apology and notification that my not only had they restored my ability to post on YT, but they even put SR 3597 back up online.
So here is the text of what I wrote them this morning. Concerning the removal of SR 3597::
“These were comments by THE most published professor of medicine in all medical history on the topics of heart and kidney! Also, this testimony was given live before the Texas Senate, a state which has led the nation in its successes dealing with COVID. Subsequently, every day brings fresh confirmation of Dr. McCullough's assertions. YouTube is not distinguishing itself as a beacon of truth, much less freedom of speech by banning these well-researched comments. It is the World Health Organization which has consistently been on the wrong side of this issue and YouTube should take a firm stance against such non-truth.”
Missing was any mention of reparations for the removal of Dr. McCullough’s testimony. No mention of reparations for my loss of income from advertisers. No mention of the hundreds of additional American lives that could have been lost as a result of this censorship of truth about COVID.
But regardless, YT is still frightfully powerful, and so, I’m happy to settle for a hope – just a hope that YT now sees that this coup is falling apart and that they had better start getting on the right side of history.
As I’ve said many times on this channel during its 14 years on YouTube, YouTube could have become THE most powerful force for good on the planet. Sadly, it took a turn to the dark side somewhere way back. Now, hopefully, it can now start to actually help us to escape the clutches of this neo-authoritarianism which is attempting to enslave the civilization that has taken a dozen milennia to build.
Yes, it’s still wildly imperfect, but a Constitutional Republic – no matter how ponderous - is a darned site better than the worldwide rise of blatant totalitarianism we’ve seen of late.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good Day.

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