Video comparing Russian army to US army ad goes viral

3 years ago

People are losing their minds over a video comparing US and Russian military recruitment adverts.

The video, posted on Twitter with the caption ‘Russian Army Ad vs. Woke-left Liberal U.S. Army Ad. The West = done,’ has racked up three million views.

The Russian ad focuses on military life, buzz-cut muscly men looking into the camera intimidatingly, stomping boots, shooting guns, talking of forgetting who you were before ‘cause you’re in the military now, etc., etc.’ Meanwhile, the US ad features the upbringing of a California girl with two moms, who ‘took ballet, played violin,’ but ‘also marched for equality’ – and how all that made her the soldier she is today.

The stark contrast of the US’ colorful animation and romantic theme tune to the dark and dramatic tone of the Russian ad has not gone unnoticed. Americans, apparently nostalgic for the hypermasculine military days of yore, seem to be feeling a little bit threatened. Even Republican Senator Ted Cruz tweeted, ‘Holy crap. Perhaps a woke, emasculated military is not the best idea…’ He was then called out by Democratic Senator Tammy Duckworth for suggesting the US Army was inferior to Russia’s.

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