Justin Trudeau "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me"

3 years ago

To the RCMP, I would like to report a crime. The RCMP is stealing from God! You may ask me "how can this be, sir? We have not stolen anything from that 'evil' God, how dare you make such cruel assumptions?"
Well, I tell you, my friend, you have indeed stolen from the righteous and holy God; I tell you the truth, unless you repent the RCMP will never be blessed. And will only be destroyed from within.

Take the pictures above as my evidence, of the hypocrisy of the RCMP stealing from God; you will see three people holding signs which represent the view of "love thy neighbour". The fourth person looks like she can't believe she's being forced to take this picture and I don't blame her, my friends.

The second commandment says "shall love thy neighbour..," my friends from the RCMP... I am very happy to see that the image-bearer of God is pouring out of you, and it seems like these four people truly want to help stop bullying.

My beloved friends, wearing these ridiculous pink shirts will not stop these things from happening.

And by the way, what happened to wearing the old-fashioned uniform that people use to respect? Do you realize the next thing they will have you wearing is a clown costume?

My beloved friends, I pray that God will open the mind of your stubborn ways, and you repent and turn back to the holy and righteous God that gave you the commandment of "love thy neighbour"; that second commandment that you are supposed to go out every day and enforce.

My dear friends from the RCMP, arresting pastors, and giving pink tickets to people who are trying to make a living by keeping their stores open, is not practicing what you're preaching. Because, my friends, when you have taken God out of the equation and replaced it with confusion, you will always look like fools.

The easiest, cheapest, and most effective way to stop bullying from happening is to put God back into our schools and police departments.

I tell you the truth my friends, until these things happen, you will not accomplish anything.

Romans 2:14 "Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law." https://www.oldtimepreaching.com/post/the-rcmp-is-stealing-from-god

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