The David Knight Show 21May2021 - Full Show

3 years ago

New rules for “cases” from CDC will RADICALLY skew data for vaccinated vs unvaccinated
-CT test will be magnified 4,000 TIMES higher for unvaxxed
-If unvaxed test positive, even WITHOUT symptoms - they are a “case”
-If vaxed are desperately ill but not hospitalized, NOT a “case”
-If vaxed die after positive PCR, NOT counted as death if magnification was higher than the new lower limit (but lower than an unvaxed PCR magnification)

Desperation from MSM/Govt to spin VAERS data of vaccine deaths and groups of people getting the virus after being vaccinated (21/22 in a retirement home, 9 NY Yankees)

Extremist SPLC, ADL are the organization chosen by Pentagon to search for any signs of “extremism” in military

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