The Home First Aid Kit - Our Home Base Bag

3 years ago

This is a overview of my "home base" first aid kit. This certainly isn't a kit that is practical for everyone to have, but was the result of my wife and I needing a bigger first aid kit for those times we were with a larger group, or when we knew that we were the volunteer (or voluntold) first aid person. This is also just handy to have everything all packed up in one place and ready to go. Like most folks, we don't use this bag for most common day-to-day first aid stuff, and depend on the wildly disorganized plastic tub in the bathroom cupboard for things like bandaids and more minor injuries.

Factor 85 Labs is about sharing the things I enjoy, in a practical way that works for dads and families. Every day is an experiment, and I am sharing what I am learning about practical ways to balance my interests and hobbies with the ever-changing life of a dad with small kids. DIY, EDC, cooking, reviews, first aid, whatever the day brings, I figure out what I think is a practical approach, and share that with you.

#Factor85Labs #FirstAidKit #HomeFirstAid

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