Notice the Modus May 20, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Notice the Modus May 20, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

I just finished reading an entire screed of weird world "news" --- including a bunch of astrologers suggesting that we need to prepare for the return of Baphomet, who, according to them, is actually Jesus Christ.

Ignorance not only breeds. It breeds like bunny rabbits in springtime.

If you really want to know what is going on, read The Book of Ezekiel. All of it.

There you will learn the Secret of Solomon, whose Number is 666.

There also, you will see one of the last to be fulfilled prophecies in the Bible, the reunion of Israel and Judah.

Add that to what we now know about the razing of Mount Zion by the Romans amid the general destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. --and the use of the debris that was the top of Mount Zion as fill for later projects and road building--- and it becomes clear that the Temple Mount is not the Temple Mount.

And all that wailing at the Wailing Wall is for naught.

I shake my head. I go back to work. Mount Zion is now a steep decapitated slope, and the only way anyone is going to build a Temple where the 2nd Century Temple once stood, is (1) if they are smart and honest enough to find the location---which is unlikely, and (2) they exert an effort that would make building the pyramids look small, because not only do they need to rebuild their temple, they need to rebuild Mount Zion as well.

Everyone, including the Crazy Persons trying to make the Bible come true via human efforts, would be better off relying on Ezekiel. Soon after beginning to read The Book of Ezekiel, you will begin to notice the way the themes of this book mirror the themes of today, right down to Ezekial's duel with the black-robed priests of Molloch.

You will also notice that these people, the Enemies of the True God, are liars.
They lied until Ezekiel called them out, and they even believed their own lies. They take his challenge. And they lose. Big time.

This was true then, and it is true now.

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