Lean On The Everlasting Arm

3 years ago

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I think most people are not aware of is what and whom we they are leaning on. The act of leaning is a matter of trust and faith in something greater than themselves. When we think of the physical act of leaning, we see mostly all the weight of the person is upon another person. The person leaning has a weakness that requires the strength of the person or thing they perceive has strength. To cast one's weight to one side for support to lean on another while they walk is the picture I get. It is basically a reliance on the strength of another where there is weakness in the other.

What and whom we lean on has great weight in regards to choices made, how we see things, and how our perception is shaped. We read about the woman in Song of Solomon leaning upon the arm of her beloved coming out of a long journey in the wilderness. She starts out with others, but in the end, she emerges with Him alone. When you lean upon the everlasting arms of Jesus Christ, you are making God your strength. When in trouble or despair, you lean on Christ in prayer. You lean on Him for wisdom, direction, learning, guiding and all insight. Really, you lean on Him for everything. The act of leaning has to do with trusting Him completely without reservation with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.

Who are you leaning on? What are you leaning on? It is a very important question that only you can answer. Because what you lean on you become one with. You take on the nature of what you lean into, and place the weight of your trust upon. It can mean disaster in the moment you need help or many victorious outcomes. What about when you need to make a critical decision that will impact your life, and the lives of your family members, or others for the rest of their lives? Lean on the arm of Jesus Christ and remain there, because if you lean on His arm throughout this earthly mortal life, and you will lean on His arm forever and ever. What a beautiful picture that will become your reality.

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