Don't take them for granted or forget to give gratitude. ASL Patriot Broadcast

3 years ago

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Hello! As many of you know, my wife and I had a special vacation last week to Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. WOW! God’s glory and beauty were certainly on display throughout our entire trip! Here are a few of our favorite sights…… (show several pics) On our trip, my wife and I talked about how often we get so busy and we do not stop and thank the Lord for His amazing creation. How sad that we sometimes overlook the things He has given us or done for us. I mean, every breath we take is a gift from Him. Every heartbeat happens because of Him. I want to encourage all of us to not overlook God. Every day we should spend some time recognizing His goodness. Also, I know there are many people in our life that we can sometimes overlook. Often we take them for granted and forget to thank them or appreciate them. Let’s all try to remember to frequently contact the people in our life who bless us and let them know how grateful we are! Or when you see a stranger doing something kind, tell them you noticed and were touched by their actions. This world has been so filled with a lot of ugliness and hate recently and can certainly use some positivity! So, as Hebrews 10:24 says….”Let us spur one another on to love and good deeds!” If you’re willing, please share this message with others so we can spread love and encouragement to as many people as possible! Thank you! I appreciate you!

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