3 years ago

Having gone into surgery twice I know it can be a scary time not only for you, but for your family as well. Rest assure that God is in control of the situation. Keep your mind on Christ and your mind will be at peace. Before surgery, look over Scriptures to give you comfort and draw near to the Lord in prayer. I had an experience with our Lord Jesus Christ. It was Amazing! I was put under and woke up next to Christ! The light poured from him and was so very beautiful and Impressive! There was no shadows! His Grace Is Amazing!
I hope and have faith this message will REACH YOU. You have a time in your life to realize their is more than meets the eyes. May you have eyes to see and ears to hear! Please pass along/share/mirror and spread the good news!
This experience was 04/12/2019 . Every statement in this video is true and to my best knowledge for my personal experience. I am willing to swear in any legal statue, of any court room or church establishment. Russell S. Ott

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