what 60 minutes ignores Big Channel Frauds. Bloody good on them. they destroy Ufology too much!

3 years ago

weedheads wanting more fame and money.. why not have us frauds on tv? I wonder?? LOL cos TV do background checks into people and hopefully find my stuff to watch before they have them on public TV.. Greer is all talk fraud hoaxing like the wow gufon-blake crowd 0 proof of claims

fair use clip to point out.. people who dont want to work but want fame and money
soft job as tv hosters talking BS to the public talking fake news
and misleading with mundane explainable videos ...

Stop watching the UFO frauds.. you will not find the TRUTH
and have lighter pockets at the end of it.

look GUFON saying for long time ALL the money goes back to the channel
only yesterday he said thanks for the money.. but this time said he dont
want to work a real job again and the $$$ helps him stay

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