Patch playing fetch

3 years ago

My dog died in June ‘20 I got two kittens December ‘20, brothers from same litter Patch and Claws. This is Patch, I first noticed this odd canine behaviour when he brought me a toy mouse. I put it to one side and he kept pushing it at me so I threw it some distance as I was on the phone. He brought it back and so I threw it again, and so on. I like to think Bonnie has been minding them for me when I’ve been out and has been teaching some tricks lol. Often they both suddenly follow something going past them that I cannot see. Although shortly after Bonnie died I did hear her snoring one evening as I was watching the tv. I turned the sound off and it stopped, only to resume shortly after I turned the volume up again. Claws seems to be pure cat and looks in disdain at Patch having obviously demeaning dog behaviour lol

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