35 RINO's Join the Democrat's to Initiate the Super Important Capitol Riot Commission

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3 years ago

Even with the feckless leader Kevin McCarthy pleading to not vote for the bill, the Democrats and 35 Soon-to-be-out-of-work RINO's voted in the house for the establishment of a 9/11 Style Commission that will get to the bottom of the worst atrocity to happen in America since the Civil War (Biden's mushed mouth words, not mine).

It's likely dead once it hits the Senate, as they need 60 votes (a shade more than the 7 confirmed idiots from the Impeachment) and Mitch McConnell won't sign on to this stupidity.

What's the point? There is nothing that we don't already know about this and all the new evidence that comes out shows that there was more cooperation between the Capitol Hill Police and the 'Rioters' than reported. It's just the Dem's Russiagate for 2021/22.

Daily Mail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9597665/35-Republicans-defy-GOP-leadership-vote-January-6-commission.html
The Epoch Times 1: https://www.theepochtimes.com/mcconnell-says-he-opposes-slanted-jan-6-capitol-breach-commission_3822221.html
ET2: https://www.theepochtimes.com/new-video-shows-jan-6-capitol-breach-suspects-telling-others-this-has-to-be-peaceful_3822042.html

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#January6 #Commission #911

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