How to Sleep Better (with just 5 Tips)

2 years ago

How to Sleep Better (with just 5 Tips)

1. Sleep Restriction: Have you ever woken up exactly one minute before your alarm clock? Our bodies' internal clocks are surprisingly accurate. As tempting as it is to sleep in, waking up at different times during the week can confuse your internal clock. To avoid this, wake up at the same time every day (even on the weekends) and avoid mid-afternoon naps.

2. Exercise. Three independent studies confirmed that moderate daily exercise (1 hour of walking per day) can help you fall asleep faster, sleep more deeply, and experience better sleep quality.

3. White Noise. Use white noise when sleeping. The constant low-level noise is calming and helps block out disruptive sounds like car alarms that can interrupt even deep sleep cycles. There are many white noise machines on the market, but a simple fan works just as well.

4. Temperature. Falling temperatures let our bodies know that it's nighttime. Studies suggest that 65 degree Fahrenheit may be the ideal temperature for deep sleep.

5. Amber light. Try to limit your exposure to blue-spectrum lights after sundown. The worst culprits are the lights from cell phone screens and laptops. Even a few seconds of blue spectrum light has been demonstrated to critically disrupt melatonin production. In addition, the hyperactive nature of internet browsing has also been proven to exacerbate insomnia. Instead, spend 30 minutes before bed reading from a book or e-book with an amber-spectrum reading lamp. Like candlelight, the light from amber reading lamps does not disrupt melatonin production. If you must be around bright lights after sundown, numerous studies show that amber lenses effectively block blue light and protect normal melatonin production.

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