An Avalanche is coming , Bring on the Aliens

3 years ago

Tonight program is about the avalanche of TRUTH information is coming out... Like they always say.... all TRUTH will come to light & the
deception will be exposed. This is another RED PILLED live stream with hard hitting truths.

1.Pastor Greg Prophecy on Trump reason why the allowance of the rigged election for the people to see the EVIL & CORRUPTIONS surfaced today proving once and for all the Capitol police let people into the building on January 6th
3. a woman stand up call out the FAKE NEWS
4. Fake Fox News is reporting on UFO sitings , so looks like they going to bring on the Aliens any thing to distract from the audits of 2020 election
5. Tictoc generations are exposing Child trafficking elites making the connections to Microsoft & how the democrats & MSM supports these child rapist .
6. viral video explaining how Joe Biden's "Vaccinate or face the consequences are no more than just WORDS , has no weight on what you choose to do .
7. Chelsea Handler after second Moderna shot is worried about feeling sick & losing hearing in one ear.. Liberal freaking out over taking the experimental jab.
8. another video surfaced today proving once and for all the Capitol police let people into the building on January 6th, it was a STAGED EVENT.
9. Peter Mcclough We new something was wrong it was BIG PHARMA by restricting HCQ
10. What is COVID19 & Vaccine, video exposing it all based on junk science & lies
11. The TRUTH & who were the real culprits behind 9/11 , time to just accept it .... THE ZIONIST

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