Empowered People

3 years ago

Jesus defeated death for us. He came to us to give us new life. We no longer need to be dead in our sin, dead in our human condition. Sin has consequences. We don’t sin alone. One sin affects many. We don’t live alone either. We live with Jesus in our hearts. Let’s live like Jesus died and rose again for us. Let’s live in the resurrection power of Jesus. We are not a dead tree in a dusty, dry and barren land. We should be free in Christ; we should choose to live today in the power of Jesus’ resurrection. We belong to God and we are an empowered people. We are not dead; we are alive in Christ Jesus. He died our death, so we could live His life. Let’s live like we believe this. The only thing we should deadened ourselves to is sin. We should give God everything about our lives, giving Him total access to us. He should be first in our lives and we should be wholly-holy-His. Let’s make it so. Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/god-with-us/

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