CyberNinjas: Maricopa Duplicate Ballots Not Recorded Serial Numbers Missing Org Damaged Ballots

2 years ago

The CEO of Cyber Ninjas doubled down on his findings that the ballot count on record - in Maricopa County - does not match the physical count of the ballots. He then took it one step further.

Doug Logan, whose company works with some of the largest names in the financial services sector, the Government sector and also evaluated the systems in Antrim County made the comments during the State Senate hearing.

He said that the Maricopa Board of Supervisors were incorrect in their assertion that his company misread the early voting transmittal sheets and didn't account for the duplicate ballots, which is why they say the totals are different.

Logan, however, said those duplicate ballots were taken into account and it's the batches of ballots that do not have duplicates on record that are in fact not matching up.

"In the boxes, they have early voting transmittal sheets that give the counts that are supposed to be in any given batch. The county said the numbers don't match because we didn't take into account the duplicates. Duplicate ballots occur when a machine can't count ballot. The early voting transmittal sheets have a section on the bottom that are to be filled out if duplicates are used. The ballots with non matching numbers do not have anything written or recorded at the bottom area which would indicated duplicates in that batch. We took into account the duplicates and the county did not explain why the sheets do not match the number of ballots in the boxes. We gave them some specific boxes with mismatched numbers. Those batches did not indicate or have a record of duplicates. An explanation is still needed for why ballot counts in batches do not match records where duplicates were not used."

Logan said that duplicate ballots are created when the original ballot is damaged and cant be run through the system.

In addition, according to the former Secretary of State and current Audit Director Ken Bennett, each duplicate ballot must have a 6 digit serial number printed on it that matches a 6 digit serial number printed on the original damaged ballot that it corresponds to. However, Bennett said they can't find the original ballots that match up to the duplicated ballots.

"We are finding a 6 digit serial number on the duplicate ballots but we are not finding a corresponding serial number on the original ballot or the ballot needed to be duplicated. I was so surprised to find this I brought people from both parties to witness that we are running into batch after batch after batch that do not have serial numbers. They should match one for one. The original to the duplicated ballot. Anyone should be able to audit and see that the votes off the damaged ballots have a true duplicate copy. I will send a question over to the county - they have made it clear to me that they will not interact directly with the auditors - so as the liaison I will ask them about the different number of duplicate ballots to damaged ballots. How to we match duplicates to damaged ballots if there are no serial numbers on damaged ballots?"

Bennett said the ballots should match up to the total number of ballots as a whole

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