Grievance 3 Appeal at Goose Creek CISD

3 years ago

I start talking at 3min 11 mark. This is a view from someone's phone of my grievance 3 appeal. A little before this point of the video, the board voted to make masks optional on June 14th, 6 to 1. The last day of school is June 11th. The meeting was very long this night, on May 17, 2021. I was the last item on the agenda.
All the audio is found here

I have been waiting a very very long time to be heard...since at least October.

I have already signed up to speak at the next meeting during citizen's participation and the Lord will guide on what needs to be stated.

I was very disappointed with their vote to dismiss my appeal based on timeliness but I trust Jesus knows what He is doing.
I want to encourage more parents to be involved. The school district keeps making decisions that are imposing on everyone's right to make their own health decisions. They had about 20 letters from parents and community members supporting making masks optional immediately but was it enough to make a difference for them in their decision-making? During this same board meeting, it was mentioned how children 12 and up are eligible for the new "vaccines". Has anyone had a chance yet to review the fertility risk that children face being injected with any of these new experimental "vaccines"? They also want to use some of our district facilities as vaccine centers. Are they going to require vaccine passports next? I know there is one school in CO making children who have not been "vaccinated" wear masks next will they know? Do they have a right to do such a thing? It's getting more dangerous as we speak because government entities are trying to impose medical measures without it being our own choice for our healthcare. Do you believe in medical choice freedom?

Here is the link to the public live document I mentioned that the district had access to since November.!Al-TN7iJRTsCsH3eGdRPIxjYg_nJ?e=6e2qgt

(School nurse, Erin Pein is #74)
(Pediatrician, Dr. Angelina Farella is #86)

Last question: why hasn't the district provided evidence that masks are safe and effective?

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