How to Develop Leaders While Meeting the Daily Demands of Your Business with Rachel Burr

3 years ago

Rachel Burr, the Executive Coach & Leadership Consultant for The Practical Sage, has a passion for helping leaders learn, grow, optimize the performance of their teams, and maximize positive impact on the businesses they serve. Her areas of expertise include people strategy, organizational analysis, design & delivery of high-impact leadership programs, leading change, and coaching high-performing individuals and teams.

Today we’ll discuss “How to Develop Leaders While Meeting the Daily Demands of Your Business”

Strong leadership is absolutely critical for business success, but how do you find the time to develop your leaders while still meeting the never-ending day-to-day demands of the business? Leadership growth doesn’t happen outside the business. You develop leaders in the midst of the business, the very environment in which you need them to succeed. We will walk through key steps to developing your leaders, and how to weave those steps into the daily demands of the business for overall success.

Instagram: @thepracticalsage

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